Thursday 19 November 2015

Religion - Terrorism - Mental Health

Is anybody else really, extremely fed up of these ridiculous notions that all Muslims are terrorists?

Stupid pictures are circulating on social media proclaiming that we are English, proud to be British and we don’t mind if we offend Muslims because ‘our women are treated equally’. This latter claim is one I find extremely laughable. Equal, really?

This is taken from

“The gender pay gap for full-time employees in the private sector decreased from 17.6 per cent in 2014 to 17.2 per cent in 2015, the lowest since the series began in 1997 and continuing the long-term downward trend. However, the gender pay gap in the public sector increased for the second consecutive year from 11.0 per cent to 11.4 per cent.”

Hardly equal then, regarding pay at least. However, that is merely a side topic.

The key issue here is the insane notion that all Muslims are terrorists.

Newsflash, morons of England, they are not.

England is a multi-cultural society, we have embraced many different races, hobbies, foods and materials from around the globe. Personally, I believe that those professing a love of their country and wanting everyone who isn’t pure British to leave – should themselves leave. Now.
Do these people really believe that they are genuinely British? And do they forget that at some point Britain has invaded and owned most of the world? I think it is flattering that many different people wish to make our country their home. I certainly feel lucky to have been born here, where there is poverty and hardship but also chance and opportunity.

If only more people were educated and not ignorant.

If only they would not hide behind their social media, ‘liking’ stupid pictures that any 8 year old could have put together in 2 and a half mins on Microsoft paint.

If only people would read something other than a tabloid article which probably was put together by an 8 year old in under 2 minutes.

Those who rant and rave about wanting a ‘better’ England, a ‘pure’ England, what have you done to make it better? Charity work? Donations? Research? Campaigning?

NO. They have sat at home watching X Factor, playing Angry Birds and writing absolute rubbish on Facebook/Twitter. You profess to care? Prove it.

Time to stop blaming religion for these awful attacks. The suicide retards are not doing this in the name of a God, they are mentally ill. Pause to think about it, one second. Who in their right mind wants to die and take lots of innocent people out in doing so? No-one. They are sick. Corrupted by evil people who want to watch the world burn. They too sit behind a computer. They prey on the weak-willed and convert them into killers. Sure they may offer an after-life as a reward. But this is under no religion, written in no religious text, taught at no religious venues. This is all the work of sick people. Mentally challenged. I am not saying they need therapy or medication or rehabilitation. No, they should be killed before they convert more vulnerable people. France has declared war on terrorism. I am completely behind them.

Just remember that this is war on terrorism. Not religion. And definitely not Muslims.

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